The Fightmon Wiki

Opening Sequence - 75%
Battles done - 1/8 - 12.5%
Pluff 100%
Dragiri 0%
Nightwing 0%
Reebee 0%
Ghost slicer 0%
Hart vile 0%
Plantsy 0%
Firee bee 0%
Ancient Tribes - 10%
Final Boss Battle - 0%
Fightmon pages created - 5/9 - 55.5%
Reemon 100%
Pluff 100%
Dragiri 0%
Nightwing 100%
Reebee 100%
Ghost slicer 100%
Hart vile 0%
Plantsy 0%
Firee bee 0%
Redirect to download form compatibility - 100%
Tell your friends compatibility - 75% (see Community Central forum)
I'm sorry I couldn't do much over the past week, so most of the numbers are the same. Wikia was completely down yesterday for a while, so I couldn't do any editing. I'm working on the game, and I should have a new demo done by the end of the week with the ancient tribes. Iggyvolz 19:45, February 20, 2012 (UTC)