The Fightmon Wiki

April 19, 2012

Fightmon Newsletter
The official fightmon newsletter, including technical updates, delays, and anything fightmon.



Fightmon of the week!

Who will be the next fightmon of the week:

Reemon, Dragiri, or Krabulous?

Find out in next week's issue!

Location of the week!

What will be the next location of the week:

Darkfire, Polarr, or Underwood?

Find out in next week's issue!

Answer, fightmon of the week


Answer, location of the week


(the "featured user" section is only in issues once a month and most likely will be created when more users are on this wiki)

Page Problem

Pages decreasing on the wiki for some reason but it may be a glitch. It seems to be a problem with the counter so the fightmon wiki has reported this bug. Read more here.

Sun sprout

Sun sprout's image is going to be created putting the fightmon page creation process a little more ahead.


Fightmon Pages

2years-too-young, is having trouble with creating Bliffe's image so there will be a delay on creating fightmon pages until this is resolved, but it is thought that if a long time passes and the problem still exists, he probably will create more pages despite the delay.


Construct 2

"Construct 2" is a company that the creation of Fightmon the Game: Reemon was going to be continued on, but the agreements you have to agree to are something we can not agree to so progress of the game will be continued at scratch.

New game creation company

Fightmon the Game: Reemon is going to be developed on Kongregate.


New ideas

Few new ideas of fightmon are in the process, if enough is thought up they will be uploaded to New fightmon ideas.