The Fightmon Wiki

Ahirbhairav Ahirbhairav 5 June 2013


This is just me testing.

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Iggyvolz Iggyvolz 1 February 2013

Some FAQ about Fightmon the Game:Pluff

I'm getting ready to start programming Fightmon the Game: Pluff, so here's some questions & answers about the game:

  • 1 Why did you cancel Fightmon the Game: Reemon?
  • 2 When will the game be released?
    • 2.1 When will we get a public beta?
  • 3 What is the storyline in this game?
  • 4 Do you honestly think this game can compete with games like Backyard Monsters, Galaxy Life, etc?

On the developer's discussion board, we decided that we had very few ideas for Reemon, but we were making considerable progress on Pluff. We decided it was best to move on. We may come back to Reemon at some point.

Here's our tentative timetable for the progress of the game:

  • February - Early March: Programming game
  • March - Early April: Artwork
  • April - Early May: Computer players and multi…

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Iggyvolz Iggyvolz 25 January 2013

Happy birthday to the wiki - January 28th

Although our original plan was to get FTG:R done by the wiki's birthday, that didn't really happen. We're putting that off, but making a card game this weekend for Fightmon. It won't be playable until Monday, but keep an eye out!

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Iggyvolz Iggyvolz 22 December 2012

Starting programming on FTG:R

I am starting programming on the game. I've been putting it off for a while because i've been busy, but I'm ready to start. The next week or so won't look very promising for multiple reasons:

  1. I won't release a new demo every day (I'd spend the majority of my time packaging them up), and I won't often release them publicly, just to game devs.
  2. The game won't have very good imagery. Images are basically thrown into the game. Right now, it's not about how the game looks, it's about how it works. We'll worry about the looks later
  3. Bugs. Everyone hates them. But I won't really be focusing on fixing them soon unless they completely prohibit playing the game.

But just know that I'm working on this as much as I can. I hope to get a functional ve…

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Iggyvolz Iggyvolz 10 December 2012

Awards starting in 2013

I can't believe it's almost 2013! It seemed like it was just yesterday I found Fightmon, it's almost been a year since the project started. Starting on December 29, we will start to keep track of edits and subscriptions (we would start January 1, but the week goes Friday-Thursday so I can mark down the edits over the weekend), and starting January 27, you can vote for your favorite users, pages, and fanons for the Fightmon Wiki Awards. The winning users will get rewards in-game (I hope the game will be up by then, if not we can just mark them down). Speaking of late January, if you'll take a walk down memory lane with me, you'll se the wiki started on January 28, 2012. Since that lands on a Monday, we will have Fightmon-Mania the prev…

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Iggyvolz Iggyvolz 3 December 2012

New forums up!

The new forums are up! To use them, go to Special:Forum. We're just testing them out, we might not keep them.

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Iggyvolz Iggyvolz 25 November 2012

Question marks showing up with double spaces

Question marks seem to be showing up sometimes in Wikia right now if you do double spaces after a sentence. ? Like that. ? Just a heads-up.
Note: These were put in manually, because of course they didn't show up. Here's an example of it in action:
EDIT: These can be tagged with

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Iggyvolz Iggyvolz 24 November 2012

Status update - 11/24

I have mapped the entire game out, and I've decided to make a few changes to the story:

  • You don't have to win multiplayer battles to earn Corr. It really didn't fit into the storyline.
  • There are no 'wild fightmon' in the first game. It could take months or even years to put every fightmon in every location. Then we'd have to decide what moves they use and what levels they were and many other things.
  • You have a total of 13 battles you must win - the 8 steps of Darkfire (one against every Fightmon in Series 1), and then the 5 battles of the Corr Legion.

These changes will make the game much easier and faster to program. I may finish with the framework today, with a release at the end of the month!

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Iggyvolz Iggyvolz 18 November 2012

Some thoughts on the game's beginning

You are browsing games on Kongregate, and you stumble across one that says Fightmon the Game: Reemon. When you open it, you are sucked into the world of Fightmon! You land in a special realm (maybe world would be a better name?) called Mein Euigh, also known as Menu. There are 3 portals, Play Game, Options, and Wiki. If you enter the Wiki, the wiki opens in a new window. If you open options, you can change the options. If you open play game, you enter the realm of Reemon! All fightmon other than Reemon are mutated, and you are the only Reemon. At the end of the game, the boss jumps into a portal to the next realm, Pluff. And so on...

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2years-too-young 2years-too-young 17 November 2012

Fightmon Weekly Newsletter, issue 4

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Iggyvolz Iggyvolz 17 November 2012

New Fightmon Video & Legendary fightmon Corr

Here's a breakdown of the video:

Pretty standard, they try to dodge but you take them out. Nothing new here.

Pluff missed. You counterattack. This could be what sets us apart from games like Pokemon. I haven't actually confirmed this with 2years-too-young yet, but it's just an idea. In the video, this lands less damage than an actual hit. I haven't decided how much damage a counterattack would land compared to the real deal.

This is really different. After you defeat an enemy, you can use them in multiplayer battles. I'm thinking they will control themselves, so it wouldn't put a huge lag on the server. You would "storm" a castle (or something to that effect) of another user. If you won, you would get one point towards the legendary fightmon …

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Iggyvolz Iggyvolz 12 November 2012

Multiplayer server found

It's called and it's free with no ads for up to 10,000 users per month (10,000 unique people, regardless of how often they play). I think that will be sufficient, if we get more than 10,000 people to play this game, I'm sure we'll get a sponsor. We will still host our game on Kongregate, we will just add some simple code to our script. I think we should make some sort of goal, for example if we get 1,000 total gameplays, we will release multiplayer (we'd have to make the game better of course to get that many). For example, I've made a quick demo that gets the server response time. (It's a little slow, about 1.35 seconds, that means that there will be a lag of 2.5 seconds back-and-forth, meaning both parties could not play at the s…

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Iggyvolz Iggyvolz 12 November 2012

Fightmon the Game: Reemon production will resume shortly

We are back and will soon be working on updating Fightmon the Game: Reemon. The game has gotten tons of complaints, and we will work on addressing each one.

  • 1 Things that have happened since first release
    • 1.1 Stencyl 3.0 is coming soon
    • 1.2 MediaWiki Update on wiki!
    • 1.3 Wiki updates
    • 1.4 Game updates
    • 1.5 Stuff that I'm doing
  • 2 My goals for Fightmon the Game: Reemon
    • 2.1 Next game update by end of November
    • 2.2 Full game update by end of January
    • 2.3 Multiplayer game by ???
    • 2.4 Newsletter by this Saturday

Stencyl is the software that I am currently developing Fightmon the Game: Reemon with. It is projected for late November or early December. It will bring new features:

  • HTML5 support (for iPods, iPads, iPhones, iBoards, i[whatever comes out before January], and Android…

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HexDrake HexDrake 20 July 2012


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Iggyvolz Iggyvolz 28 June 2012

Fightmon the Game: Reemon has been taken off Kongregate

I have decided to remove the game from Kongregate because of all the bad publicity it is getting and I am trying to get a new developer for the project. I will still be around on the wiki, but I am resigning from the developer spot.

Thanks, Iggyvolz 12:36, June 28, 2012 (UTC)

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Iggyvolz Iggyvolz 27 June 2012

Fightmon the Game: Reemon is uploaded!

The first game in the Fightmon the Game series, Fightmon the Game: Reemon, has just been uploaded to Kongregate, and is playable with a Kongregate account (The demo can still be played if you don't have an account, however I would strongly reccomend getting one to get the full experience). I will be away for the majority of the next week and a half, so I wanted to get this in before I left.

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Iggyvolz Iggyvolz 24 June 2012

Wikia Upgrade

Wikia will finally be upgraded, potentially fixing problems with Trackers Interface Bot. The following line wil update when the wiki is reached with the upgrade: .

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Iggyvolz Iggyvolz 19 June 2012

Final demo released

To view the final demo of Fightmon the Game: Reemon, go to its page and you will be able to fire thorns and move to avoid Dragiri charging at you. However, here are some things that were not avaliable for the demo's release, but will be avaliable for the full version (in 8 days):

  • Charging
  • Save progress
  • Fighting against diferent enemies, with different speeds and healths.
  • Adventure through the lands of Fightmon

You can get 10 lives each week, and get additional lives for editing on Fightmon Wiki:

  • 5 lives for making at least one edit
  • 7 lives for being between the 1st quartile and median number of edits (see psychology wiki's definition of quartiles)
  • 9 lives for being between the median and 3rd quartile
  • 10 lives for being above the 3rd quartile

Note: …

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Iggyvolz Iggyvolz 10 June 2012

Using Stencyl - a free flash game maker

I've found a new flash game maker called Stencyl. It makes actual flash games instead of HTML5 games, which are rarely supported in most major browsers. It is a lot like Scratch, but includes more features like easy upload to Kongregate. It can also save games, allowing users to know if they have or have not yet played this week (They can override this by clearing cookies, but we will know). I hope to get the game out by the end of the month, but it may be early next month. Also, just a heads up, I will be on little to none this week, but next week and early the week after, I will focus most of my attention on the game until it is released. Iggyvolz 14:35, June 10, 2012 (UTC)

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2years-too-young 2years-too-young 5 May 2012

Fightmon Weekly Newsletter, Issue 3

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2years-too-young 2years-too-young 29 April 2012

Fightmon Weekly Newsletter, Issue 2

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2years-too-young 2years-too-young 20 April 2012

Fightmon Weekly Newsletter, Issue 1

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2years-too-young 2years-too-young 19 April 2012

Page problem

Hey, I'm kinda noticing something strange, the fightmon wiki used to have fifty one pages but then it sunk down to forty nine and now its at forty eight..... So I'm wondering if this is just my account doing this or if someone is removing pages and its not showing up on the wiki-activity, perhaps its a glitch, but I would still like to know whats happening.

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2years-too-young 2years-too-young 14 April 2012

Fightmon Weekly Newsletter, Demo Issue

Hello, I am 2years-too-young, the creator of this wiki. I'm thinking of starting a weekly newsletter (as the name implies), and I want to release this "demo issue" to see what you users think. So don't be afraid to comment and say what you like and don't like. By the way I think the name may be a little too long, so I would like your opinions on that as well. I created a layout (not a layout page) for the newsletter and just tell me what you think. By the way newsletter issues can only be edited by admins and can only be created by me, the founder.

Everything under the line is part of the newsletter's layout.

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Iggyvolz Iggyvolz 14 April 2012

Test blog post from updated version of game

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Iggyvolz Iggyvolz 20 February 2012

Fightmon Progress 2-20

Opening Sequence - 75%
Battles done - 1/8 - 12.5%
Pluff 100%
Dragiri 0%
Nightwing 0%
Reebee 0%
Ghost slicer 0%
Hart vile 0%
Plantsy 0%
Firee bee 0%
Ancient Tribes - 10%
Final Boss Battle - 0%
Fightmon pages created - 5/9 - 55.5%
Reemon 100%
Pluff 100%
Dragiri 0%
Nightwing 100%
Reebee 100%
Ghost slicer 100%
Hart vile 0%
Plantsy 0%
Firee bee 0%
Redirect to download form compatibility - 100%
Tell your friends compatibility - 75% (see Community Central forum)
I'm sorry I couldn't do much over the past week, so most of the numbers are the same. Wikia was completely down yesterday for a while, so I couldn't do any editing. I'm working on the game, and I should have a new demo done by the end of the week with the ancient tribes. Iggyvolz 19:45, February 20, 2012 (UTC)

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Iggyvolz Iggyvolz 12 February 2012

Fightmon Progress 2-11

  • Battles done - 1/8 - 12.5%
    • Pluff 100%
    • Dragiri 0%
    • Nightwing 0%
    • Reebee 0%
    • Ghost slicer 0%
    • Hart vile 0%
    • Plantsy 0%
    • Firee bee 0%
  • Ancient Tribes - 0%
  • Final Boss Battle - 0%
  • Fightmon pages created - 3/9 - 33.3%
    • Reemon 100%
    • Pluff 100%
    • Dragiri 0%
    • Nightwing 100%
    • Reebee 0%
    • Ghost slicer 0%
    • Hart vile 0%
    • Plantsy 0%
    • Firee bee 0%
  • Redirect to download form compatibility - 100%
  • Tell your friends compatibility - 75% (see Community Central forum)

So far, progress is good, and tonight I figured out how to link directly from inside the game to the download form (or download request form if the next level has not been released yet). Instead of having to copy an access code over, one could just open a door (in the game) and it will open up the download form online. This could also be …

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