Three of the remaining fightmon that were supposed to be released during the All Hallow's Event are delayed, sorry. And this event is now officially over, however we will still add the three fightmon that weren't released according to schedule.
FTG:R is back! I'm so excited that FTG:R is back in production! And plus, a good amount of it's storyline blend into the storyline of FTG:P, so it's best that we're now working on both of these games.
Three of the remaining fightmon that were supposed to be released during the All Hallow's Event are delayed, sorry. And this event is now officially over, however we will still add the three fightmon that weren't released according to schedule.
You sadly cannot create any fightmon yet, but hopefully soon you can submit your ideas. And please remember, not all ideas make it, infact it'll likely be only a few that do.
Ok, here are the rules for roleplays. Users can create rules for their individual roleplays but these rules apply to all roleplays.
That's all. To help you, just think "Would my roleplay be child friendly?" and if it would then you should be fine.
Ok, I agree.
I think so, this way when we get a good community they can discuss the game.
I set up a new theme so that this wiki varies a little more. Tell me what you think!
Yes, I messed up there.
Fightmon the Game: Pluff is the second installment of the Fightmon the Game series. It starts off where Fightmon the Game: Reemon ends. If you have any ideas, and want to state your opinion or help, come here!
This board is for the Fightmon the Game, game series. You can give ideas for any of the current games or make one up yourself!
Note:You can submit a game idea, but it's not certain if it will be accepted as an actual game.
Current games:
Emoticons have now been added to this wiki. Do you like them or dislike them? Have any ideas? Post them here!
What do you think of Fightmon the Game: Reemon? Like it, dislike it? Perhaps you want to help? Well, write all you want about the latest game here!
FTG:R is back! I'm so excited that FTG:R is back in production! And plus, a good amount of it's storyline blend into the storyline of FTG:P, so it's best that we're now working on both of these games.